You are all invited this coming 29th 0f May, friday night at Mogwai, Cubao X (former cubao/marikina shoe expo), Gen.Romulo Ave., Cubao, Quezon City. The event was entitled WE EXIST; a gathering of performance, sound and visual artists. The show will start at 8:00 pm.
This one-night event will feature performance artists, sound artists and visual artists who have been practicing the discipline and medium of experimental music, sound art and new media. The event will platform this interdisciplinary form of art in a live collaborative performance. With this, the participants are requested to collaborate with each other and shall interact conceptually and aesthetically. However, there will be no theme or any structure nor absolute rules or procedures on how will the performance would be performed and execute. It could be on improvisation, in real-time notation or on any form. Thus it should be on spontaneous, organic and unrehearsed live collaborative effort. As the title of the event suggest it will be a gathering for further exploration of these art forms through exchanges of ideas, insights and experience within the process of the performance. It also aim to introduce or to re-introduce the discipline to the public, to present and to have a possible informal discussion on the medium.
Sound artists - Ugong, Nyabinghi, Blend:er, Etniktronika, Aurora Borealis, Odd, Elemento, Tad Ermitano, Autoceremony, Blums Borres, Mannet Villariba, Tengal, Arvie Bartolome, Ria Muñoz, Inconnu Ictu, Caliph8, Trojan Whores, The Slavedrum, Down Boy Down, Dayuhan, Minister Zero, Sgt.Vez, Decay Transit.
Visual artists - Poklong Anading, Mannet Villariba, Tad Ermitano, Jed Escueta, Rembrandt Vocalan, Sam Kiyoumarsi, Edsel Abesamis, Jun Sabayton, Grnd+cntl.
Performance artists - Jun Sabayton, Mel Araneta, Bryan Ramos.
Special guest artist performer from Japan; Seido Toshiyuki.
This event is an initiative effort of E.X.I.S.T. (Experimentation In Sound art Tradition) with the support and participation of individual artists involved, art groups such as Sabaw, Expansions and Media Arts Manila. With the help of Mogwai Cinemateque and Cubao Expo for providing the venue and Grand Pearl Production for the lights and sounds system.
Experimentation In Sound art Tradition (E.X.I.S.T.) is a not-for-profit sound art collective and movement. It is a loose organization among sound artists, musicians and multi media practitioner. It aims to educate people about Experimental Music and Soud Art as an interdisciplinary form of art. E.X.I.S.T. commonly engages in the use of found objects and environmental sound as a medium. Moreover, they explore with any form of audio technologies (both analog and digital), including creative electronic manipulation or the process of creative audio short-circuiting also known as “Circuit-Bending”, an integral part of sound art experimentation. Another technological aspect explored is the use of computer’s capability to generate sound, examining both theory and application of new and existing technologies in the areas of music and sound design.
Sculpture, Performance Art, Multimedia and other conventional art form and techniques can be also incorporated and merged on the process and methodology. Sound art also gives emphasis on the creative production and presentation of ‘sound’ not necessarily the ‘music’ which becomes just one component of the endless possibilities of sound art, and the total characteristic of sound and its medium.
E.X.I.S.T. continues the tradition of Experimental Music and Sound Art by organizing concerts, exhibitions, symposiums and workshops in art galleries, art spaces, universities, and even conventional channels such as music bars, cafes, and open space venues. It also serves as a channel to promote Experimental Music and Sound Art here in the Philippines, opening more people to recognize it as an individual and interdisciplinary art form.
This one-night event will feature performance artists, sound artists and visual artists who have been practicing the discipline and medium of experimental music, sound art and new media. The event will platform this interdisciplinary form of art in a live collaborative performance. With this, the participants are requested to collaborate with each other and shall interact conceptually and aesthetically. However, there will be no theme or any structure nor absolute rules or procedures on how will the performance would be performed and execute. It could be on improvisation, in real-time notation or on any form. Thus it should be on spontaneous, organic and unrehearsed live collaborative effort. As the title of the event suggest it will be a gathering for further exploration of these art forms through exchanges of ideas, insights and experience within the process of the performance. It also aim to introduce or to re-introduce the discipline to the public, to present and to have a possible informal discussion on the medium.
Sound artists - Ugong, Nyabinghi, Blend:er, Etniktronika, Aurora Borealis, Odd, Elemento, Tad Ermitano, Autoceremony, Blums Borres, Mannet Villariba, Tengal, Arvie Bartolome, Ria Muñoz, Inconnu Ictu, Caliph8, Trojan Whores, The Slavedrum, Down Boy Down, Dayuhan, Minister Zero, Sgt.Vez, Decay Transit.
Visual artists - Poklong Anading, Mannet Villariba, Tad Ermitano, Jed Escueta, Rembrandt Vocalan, Sam Kiyoumarsi, Edsel Abesamis, Jun Sabayton, Grnd+cntl.
Performance artists - Jun Sabayton, Mel Araneta, Bryan Ramos.
Special guest artist performer from Japan; Seido Toshiyuki.
This event is an initiative effort of E.X.I.S.T. (Experimentation In Sound art Tradition) with the support and participation of individual artists involved, art groups such as Sabaw, Expansions and Media Arts Manila. With the help of Mogwai Cinemateque and Cubao Expo for providing the venue and Grand Pearl Production for the lights and sounds system.
Experimentation In Sound art Tradition (E.X.I.S.T.) is a not-for-profit sound art collective and movement. It is a loose organization among sound artists, musicians and multi media practitioner. It aims to educate people about Experimental Music and Soud Art as an interdisciplinary form of art. E.X.I.S.T. commonly engages in the use of found objects and environmental sound as a medium. Moreover, they explore with any form of audio technologies (both analog and digital), including creative electronic manipulation or the process of creative audio short-circuiting also known as “Circuit-Bending”, an integral part of sound art experimentation. Another technological aspect explored is the use of computer’s capability to generate sound, examining both theory and application of new and existing technologies in the areas of music and sound design.
Sculpture, Performance Art, Multimedia and other conventional art form and techniques can be also incorporated and merged on the process and methodology. Sound art also gives emphasis on the creative production and presentation of ‘sound’ not necessarily the ‘music’ which becomes just one component of the endless possibilities of sound art, and the total characteristic of sound and its medium.
E.X.I.S.T. continues the tradition of Experimental Music and Sound Art by organizing concerts, exhibitions, symposiums and workshops in art galleries, art spaces, universities, and even conventional channels such as music bars, cafes, and open space venues. It also serves as a channel to promote Experimental Music and Sound Art here in the Philippines, opening more people to recognize it as an individual and interdisciplinary art form.